About Praksis

ΑΡΧΙΚΗ About Praksis

PRAKSIS (PROGRAMS OF DEVELOPMENT, SOCIAL SUPPORT AND MEDICAL COOPERATION) is an independent Civil Society Organisation (Non Profitable Association). PRAKSIS main goal is the planning and implementation of projects of development, humanitarian and medical nature.

Our goal
Our main goal is the eradication of social and economic exclusion of vulnerable social groups and the defense of their personal and social rights.

The three dimensions of our work

  • Prevention
  • Intervention/Support
  • Lobbying and Advocacy

Since 2004, PRAKSIS programmes, projects and interventions have been providing services and support to vulnerable social groups regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, origin, ethnicity, political or religious beliefs. All services are provided for free and without criteria.

Our beneficiaries are
Greek poor, homeless, uninsured, economic migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, unaccompanied minors, trafficking victims, sex workers, drug users, Roma, HIV seropositive people, people living with AIDS (PLWA), Hepatitis B and C patients, men having sex with men (msm), prisoners, people released from prisons, Greek families facing the consequences of the financial crisis…. any person facing social or/and financial exclusion and is deprived of basic goods.

Geographic range
PRAKSIS is active throughout Greece and mostly in the regions of Attica, and Central Macedonia, the islands of Lesvos, Chios and Samos and the greater Patras area. Our mobile medical units are on call and ready to intervene wherever it is needed and always responding to the needs which occur, i.e. northern Aegean islands, the Dodecanese, from Thessaloniki to Promachonas.

National and European level of action
PRAKSIS is an active member of many clusters and interdisciplinary Agencies in Greece and of many networks on national and European level. By implementing European projects, PRAKSIS participates in corporate collaborations and networks of other EU member-states on advocacy, exchange of good practices, information dissemination, lobbying, public information and awareness on various issues, and the recording of recommendations regarding advocacy for vulnerable social groups and towards changes and amendments by relevant stakeholders.

PRAKSIS Infrastructure and Interventions

  • Community Centre – Athens
  • Polyclinic – Thessaloniki
  • Day Centre for the Homeless – Athens
  • Day Centre for the Homeless – Piraeus
  • Semi Independent Living (Apartments) for Unaccompanied Minors – Athens, Thessaloniki
  • ESTIA Project – Athens, Thessaloniki
  • Interventions regarding child protection – Islands of Lesvos, Samos and Chios
  • Mobile Unit for Information, Councelling and Testing for HIV and Hepatitis B and C
  • Hotline for information on HIV and Hepatitis B and C
  • Streetwork focused on unaccompanied minors
  • Streetwork focused on homeless
  • Streetwork focused on trafficking victims
  • Streetwork focused on injection drug users

Basic services provided

  • Direct and free of charge health care
  • Accommodation
  • Psychosocial support
  • Job counselling and labour promotion
  • Legal counselling
  • Interpretation and cultural mediation
  • Escort supporting services
  • Basic hygiene services (showers hygiene kits)
  • Clothing and shoes

Fundamental principles and aims
PRAKSIS main focus is the design, application and implementation of humanitarian projects as well as informative campaigns on several issues such as STD, Hepatitis, HIV/AIDS.
Specifically, PRAKSIS aims at:

  • Implementation of actions and projects regarding services provision to mobile populations (medical care, accommodation, support to particularly vulnerable social groups – with emphasis given to unaccompanied minors, legal counseling, recording of testimonies, interpretation and cultural mediation services, cooperation with First Reception Agency) – in the islands (Lesvos, Samos, Chios) and in the urban setting (Athens, Thessaloniki, Patras)
  • Planning and implementation of actions and interventions aiming at the eradication of social and economic exclusion of vulnerable individuals and social groups; and enhancement of social (re)integration and inclusion.
  • Provision of free of charge psychosocial and medical services, escort supporting services, legal counseling, Job counseling and labour promotion.
  • Planning and implementation of projects and pubic information and awareness campaigns on issues of pubic health, sexual transmitted diseases, Hepatitis, HIV/AIDS
  • Cooperation with local administration agencies and the Prefectures
  • Participation or/and coordination of networks on Greek and European level aiming at lobbying, advocacy, information and advocacy of vulnerable social groups to relevant Greek and European stakeholders (Hellenic Antipoverty Network, Network for the Right to Housing, Racist Violence Recording Network, Hellenic Platform for Development etc.)
  • Cooperation with other organisations of Civil Society aiming at the promotion of dialogue throughout the Greek Society and State stakeholders
  • Promotion of the principles of solidarity and volunteerism
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